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Wo ist zu Hause Mama // Lookit, Martians! // Midnight Haunt

Home ain’t a place, it’s people!
Wo ist zu Hau­se Mama – Die­se Fra­ge stell­te sich John­ny Cash in einem auf deutsch gesun­ge­nen Song von 1969! Die Geschichts­werk­statt Altes Volks­bad ver­sucht auf die­se Fra­ge an jedem zwei­ten Sams­tag im Monat zusam­men mit Musi­kern und Bands aus der Regi­on eine Ant­wort zu finden.
Loo­kit, Martians!
Old School Pop Punk – Mannheim
Loo­kit, Mar­ti­ans! is a four-pie­ce pop punk band hai­ling from Olym­pus Mons on pla­net Mars, but curr­ent­ly resi­ding in Mann­heim, Ger­ma­ny, Earth.
Foun­ded by mem­bers of pop­punk veterans The Bar­be­cu­ties in respon­se to the very unpunk pan­de­mic and the resul­ting bore­dom on the pla­net, Loo­kit, Mar­ti­ans! made first cont­act with earth­lings in 2020. While encoun­tering incre­di­ble tris­tesse and social-distancing, the­se four extra­ter­restri­als deci­ded to stay and spread some groo­vy inter­stel­lar vibes next to secret­ly taking-over world dominance.
Sty­li­sti­cal­ly, Loo­kit, Mar­ti­ans! is hea­vi­ly influen­ced by old school pop punk (Nah! Not that modern cute boy suck-up stuff!) in the vein of bands like The Ramo­nes, Green Day, Teen Idols or Teenage Bot­t­lero­cket. So if you’re into sugar-sweet girl meets boy vocals and hip-shaking har­mo­nies, the­se Mar­ti­ans and Mar­tia­net­tes might exact­ly be your thing!
Loo­kit, Mar­ti­ans! is:
Fee – Vocals, Guitar
Sid – Vocals, Bass
Coli – Gui­tar, Vocals
Sven – Drums
<a class=„x1i10hfl xjbqb8w x6umtig x1b1mbwd xaqea5y xav7gou x9f619 x1ypdohk xt0psk2 xe8uvvx xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x16tdsg8 x1hl2dhg xggy1nq x1a2a7pz xt0b8zv x1fey0fg“ tabindex=„0“ role=„link“ href=„https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https://www.lookitmartians.de/?fbclid=IwAR38Mk0xsFX4dClIVjjjCyk1Xd1HhH8iM8QeBadwWTZz6EngU93dOJONLRI




21:00 - 23:00
Geschichtswerkstadt Neckarstadt e.V.


Geschichtswerkstadt Neckarstadt e.V.

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